Monday, 28 March 2016

Types of Advertising

Name: Dhruvi Chavda

Topic: Types of Advertising

Paper No: 15

Roll No: 06

Semester: 4

Submitted to: S.B.Gardi, Department of English Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.

    Types of advertising

What is advertising?
According to Angela Goddard the term advertisement and advertising have, at their root, a Latin word, “advertere”, meaning turn towards ‘. She goes on and defines the word advertising by stating that it is a discourse which contributes to the construction of our identities; it is also an act of communication.

Advertising is often an index of attitudes because, in order for an advert to work, it must tap into some thinking “out there” in the marketplace, but it would be a mistake to think that adverts are a simple reflection of who we all are, in some natural way. Advertising, as a very public form of discourse, is also part of the way we construct our ideas about the world around us: what people are like, who does what, who is important and why, what we should be worried about, and so on.

The first advertising agency, which was set up by Volney Palmer in Boston in 1841, introduced system to the business by offering a discount of 25% on ad space in newspapers. This move marked the formal beginning of space selling. Initially, most ad agencies were nothing more than brokers for ad space in newspapers. Advertisers created their own ads. N.M. Ayer and Son became the first full-service agency in 1869. One of the earliest highly successful advertising campaigns was launched by Pears Soap. In late 19th century, Thomas Barratt, whom many consider the father of modern advertising, launched a series of ads featuring children, animals, flowers, and beautiful woman to promote the company’s products.     

Types of Advertising:-


It is a kind of printed advertising such as a newspaper, magazine etc.


This is very effective medium for advertising & marketing format. This is reflected by the high prices television networks charges for commercial airtime during popular events. It is related with many regular programs related with audience.


This is also type of advertising. These types of pamphlets are very handy for advertising different products. We can see these pamphlets with newspaper.


It is connected with internet. Its purpose is to deliver marketing message to attract customers. We can see many this kind of advertisements while doing online activities.

Billboard advertisement:-

It has very large structured medium of advertisements. These types of advertisements we can see on the roads or public places.

Street advertisements:-

This is first come for street service. First in UK it took place. This types of advertisements is placed outsides of malls of near the bus stops.

Mobile Billboard:-

It is generally vehicle mounted bill board or digital screens. In this system this can be button a vehicle so that vehicle can carry it where ever it goes.

Aerial advertisements:-

This type of advertising is using aircraft, balloons or airships. It is also called sky writing.


These way different types of advertising are very useful for selling products with different ideas in society. Through this they can attracts costumers and increase their sellings.

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